Monday, November 2, 2009

Education Classes and such

It's important to know that in your first year of college you are mainly going to be taking classes that are part of your General Education Requirements. They may seem tedious, but do help you out in the end. I am in the fall semester of my sophomore year of College at Missouri State University, and I am finally in classes in regards to my elementary education major! YAY! Below I will list the classes I have this semester so that you can get an idea of what you have coming up! I'll even include a link that you can access to get a better description of the class itself.

1. IMT 365
2. ELE 302 pg. 192
3. EDC 150 pg. 202
4. PHI 115 pg. 269
5. HST 122 pg. 261

1 comment:

  1. just stumbled by...
    And maybe that's true for education. I was a chem major though. And to this day I've never had to analyze surrealist lit outside of Univ.
    Nor program with C++.
    Nor use many other courses.
